America stomping on its poor miserably

Kumar. T
3 min readMay 30, 2023

Have you ever tried to get an apartment? first, congratualtions if you can afford an apartment all by yourself in the city. But, have you noticed the discriminatory legal practices the apartment complexes do against you…but you are so used to it that you do not even realize it?

The setup,

Your income must be 3 times the rent.

First, tell me the price of the rent is based on? For all saying the demand and supply. Do you know who controls the supply? Is there a land shortage? NO

The government. You are not even allowed to build apartment and places unles they say so. This is the fact. There is no need to sugar coat.

The concept of paycheck to paycheck-

This is disguisting. Before you say people spend on useless stuff, let me tell you, their majority of earning is gone in basic necessaties. The housing. How does a one person can relax and think staright when no matter what they do, their biggest expense remains the housing? That person always in fight or flight response. Why american remains drunk half the time? Because people are in fear, the fear of loosing basic necessaties. The work does not tire you, but the constant pressure of loosing basic necessaties cripples you and you need some sort of relief for few minutes to forget all that.

Why the credit issuers, the ones who reply on the same tax payers for bailouts when they make bad greedy financial decisions, yet they are allowed to fuck up someone on a single day’s late patyment? How are they allowed to charge 30% interest rates on credit? What the fuck is government doing? Who are those mother fuckers working for?

America, the only country where people are taken advantage of based on the basic needs. America, the richest country in the history of this world where a rich builder can impose whatever they want onto a poor person adn the government does nothing about it.

Can you build your own house the way you want to?

No, you are so boxed up that and made disabled that you cannnot even cut your grass the way you want to.

fuck you!!

Eventually, i wonder what is basic job of the government? The basic jobs of humans are food, clothing and shelter and in order to be efficint and fulfill, the system was developed by humans where a publicly assigned group is assigned to make sure that peopl’s basic needs are met. Becuase no matter if you are rich or poor or whatever goes in you life, if, for any reason you are scared to loose your basic necessasities, that is the most cruel jail and a torture in itseelf. How is the government is allowing that to happen?

No matter what political, physical or moral beliefs you have, if the government cannot guarantee tthe food, shelter and slothing to its people. Then the government is failed. And i american case, this is a massive failure beng the richess nation, but that is being used by psychpaths who wants to go into space where they canot breath, they cannot survive, but you know why? because these idiots have no where else to go. They have averything a money can buy, so they think the happiness must be someplace else.

What is crazy?

If a person does illogical and destructive deeds, that is called crazy. Yes, going into space is destrcutive. It is abondening the responsibility to save the planet. It is the worst kind of human this planet can have. This world needs a brand new system where self-destructive and crazy people sould not be allowed to acquire that much power and people need to evolve to understandd that earning money should happend in a moral way. Those poeple are the literal definitjon of crazy.

